Helping you to help your clients
With so few eligible businesses making the R&D tax credit claims they're entitled to, thousands of them are missing out on an average of £66,000. Either they don't believe the scheme could apply to them, or they simply don’t know about it.
RIFT Tax Credits is determined to make sure that credit is always given where it's due, and we're teaming up with introducers and business advisors across disciplines to make sure that happens.
Partnering with accounting firms in particular is an incredible opportunity to raise awareness of R&D Tax Credits. Many accountants don't have the time to dedicate to the in-depth aspects of R&D claims or the in-house specialist knowledge it takes to make the most of the scheme. Partnering with RIFT Tax Credits adds to your expertise and gives you a vital new string to your bow by introducing your clients to us - the way a GP refers a patient to a specialist.

When you refer your clients to us we can:
- Quickly and reliably work out if they have a claim.
- Unearth every qualifying project and cost.
- Build your clients' claims for you to present to HMRC.
- Fight your clients' corners until their claims are approved.
- Offer ongoing help, advice and support for future claims.
Few outside the very specialised arena of R&D Tax Relief have the in-house knowledge and expertise it takes to successfully steer their clients through a full claim. Some might simply need guidance in the rules and principles, while others might ask for a full, hands-on service from start to finish. However much help you and your clients might need, RIFT Tax Credits is the expert sidekick your team's been missing.
- Add a new and powerful string to your professional bow.
- Unlock the real hidden value of your clients' innovations.
- Ensure your client receives the full credit they deserve.
Eligible Research and Development activity is part of the day-to-day life of so many companies, and RIFT Tax Credits works to ensure the resources involved are not unknowingly disregarded as "just the cost of staying in business" or "day-to-day problem solving".

Meet our introducers

Our technical teams specialise in hunting down all your qualifying R&D costs and turning them into a serious financial boost for your business.
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